Best Ways to Lose Weight For Men

Flaunting a chiseled body is a dream which men from all walks of life wish to fulfill. How? Well, packed in here are the best ways to lose weight, for men always crave for nothing but the best.

With six pack abs in place, bulging biceps, toned and strong forearm with wrists that have the power to wring the wits out, men want the world to fall head over heels for them. This boosts their confidence levels and escalates their self-esteem. They are conscious about their appearance and want themselves to resemble the reel life heroes. Wonder what is the difference between the ideology that men and women are governed by? Expose yourself to another situation, consider this. ... A man has a low self-esteem, is depressed and does not hold himself with great respect and sincere attitude. Why does this happen? Well, the answer lies in his appearance. The condition aggravates when men have weighty issues. The most astonishing part of this scenario is that there are men who work very hard to lose weight and reach their goals sooner or later. Another species of men are thick skinned and fail to realize they are bloating up and one fine day would endure serious health complications. The latter category has to be reminded not to consume fatty foods serving to be humongous calorie contributors. 

The story is, however not true for men who have medical histories serving to be their prime testimony in gaining weight which may lead to morbid obesity. However, for men who have no health complications or troubles have no reason to spare for passing their respective judgements on their condition. They have to realize the need to:

- Take a two-legged flight up the staircase and not resort to using the escalator or the lift.

- Give up lolling in bed for an extra one-minute snooze and surf the streets with daily jogs.

- Control their taste buds and not pick the biggest piece of sweet on offer.

- Continue with diligence and not drop the diet plan at the wayside when they encounter their favorite dish on platter.

Prepare for Your Weight Loss

Do you want to lose weight in a jiffy? Are you on a hunt for the fastest ways to lose weight? Then you are in for some disappointing news. Unfortunately, there are no magic potions available to make you slim and lean in no time. However, there are times when one is strayed by lofty promises made by weight loss products. You have to imply the most effective ways that burn calories effectively and serve to achieve long-term results. Here are some tried and tested preparatory steps to lose weight the healthy and planned way.

Make a Placard - Your first step is to make a placard that says you need to lose weight, in BOLD. You need to decipher the intensity of your urge. You need a goal, a target that you can bank on and take your strides to achieve. State the reasons why you want to lose weight. The more the number of reasons you state, the better. Don't forget to add the silly and negligible ones as well! They count to help you achieve your goal with greater gusto!

Focus - If you have finally made up your mind to lose weight, consider half battle won! Yes there are people who just cannot make up their mind to lose those extra kilos, or realize the fact that they are over weight and need to help themselves out by making an effort. So focus and a dedicated demeanor will take you places!

Get Mentally Strong - Before you set sail with your weight loss program, you must be thoroughly prepared to make alterations to your lifestyle. There are bound to be adjustments and modifications that may not adhere to your code of conduct. However, you need to follow them for long-lasting effects. You need to remind yourself periodically that this is for your own good and will make a difference to your lifestyle.

Be Realistic - Stop building castles in the air is my only suggestion. Get to work. Don't expect miracles to happen. Weight loss takes time. Don't lose hope and most important, don't lose your inner motivation, your inner drive.

How to Lose Weight - Ways That Work

Eat Right. Eat Healthy. 

Don't give up on your meals just because you are on a mad dash mission to lose weight. You must regulate your eating patterns. You must resort to eating a balanced diet. A balanced diet must consist of proteins in the form of lean meats, carbohydrates in the form of rice, bananas, fibers such as green leafy vegetables, fats in the form of nuts, dairy products such as eggs, milk and soy products and fruits to complement your diet. You must make a diet plan or consider a diet program that helps you in including all these foods that are essential to developing muscles and a lean body.

Eat at the Right Time 

Healthy eating habits take you a long way, however when you eat 'what' is also an important factor to be nailed in mind. You must have your breakfast well. You can also chose to have almonds. They are great at providing energy, thereby satiating your hunger pangs in between meals.

Drink Water

Drink Plenty of Water: It is a simple way to lose weight. Make it a habit to drink water every 2 hours. Water washes off the toxins from the body and keeps you hydrated. Don't wait until you feel thirsty. Just drink water religiously. 

Avoid Starch

Yes, you must avoid white bread, potatoes and pasta. They are bound to make you fat. If bread is your staple food, supplement it with brown bread. It is so much more healthier.

Hit the Gym

Hitting the treadmill and lifting some weights will ensure sleek muscles. You must exercise diligently as the exercise routine you follow will help you burn calories faster and result in your metabolism functioning extremely well, long after you have worked out.

Hire a Trainer

This is indeed a beneficial investment to achieve your weight loss goals. When you have a trainer to assist you, you are in a better stead as you have your entire weight loss plan; right from what exercise you would indulge in, on which days and what is it exactly that your platter will consist. You are sure to receive personal guidance due to which you would reap benefits.

Indulge in Yoga

You can indulge in some yoga sessions as well, if your gym-ming routines are getting on your nerves. Breathing exercises with yoga poses are an essential part of your weight loss plan. Practicing yoga will give you the much required peace of mind, as it is during this period that we feel all the more troubled and anxious about reaching our goals. 

Binge On ... Once in a While

Sounds strange? Well, I mean it. You must indulge in satisfying your tongue muscles, every once in a while. Subjecting it to restricted diets can make you lose your gusto of following your set diet plan. Slap on butter, feast on pizza slices and gobble your favorite meat stake. But as the saying goes, all good things come to an end! You need to put an end to the binging session as well!

Avoid Sweetened Soda

Wine is fine and a low-carb beer is also encouraged, however in moderation. But No Soda. Also keep in mind to go very slow on booze. If you are really keen to hold your glass well, make sure that you start with a glass of water and then move on to sipping beer. Pay attention; I say sipping beer and not draining the bucket of booze down your system!

Start with an Incentive Scheme

Well, I believe if you have climbed on to achieve your weight goal, you must reward yourself. A tap on the back and gifting yourself with something special can do wonders to your weight reduction goals.

So, these were some of the best ways to lose weight for men accompanied with some tips you could resort to, if you have made up your mind. Go ahead, fight the fat, and be prepared to make a difference to your (out)look!
By Azmin Taraporewala
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