Here's how to get Slim

By Juana Dillon

There are two methods that need to be performed together in order for you to get slim, and that is exercise and dieting. Slimming down would be almost impossible to do in a healthy way unless you have these two vital ingredients. What you want is consistency when it comes to losing fat, and you need to always maintain it because weight gain with be almost doubled if you fall down the path of unhealthy eating again!

Your Diet Regime

You need to drink water before every meal, which is at least a glass. This is going to curve your appetite and make you feel full, thus making you eat less. Therefor you can have smaller portion sizes containing only healthy, low fat ingredients. For meats, try to reduce red meats, and cut the fats off them. You can eat turkey, chicken and fish more often if that helps.

Be sure to add in plenty of green vegetables and fruits. These will supply the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function correctly. They are also full of fiber which will fill you up quickly. A healthy running body means an increase in metabolism!

Exercise Program to become Slim

Perform plenty of strength building workouts such as weights. Just 15 minutes a day of weight training, five days a week will help you slim down plenty. Add in toning exercises such as crunches and sit-ups, plus some high intensity dumbbell workouts. This is the best method of really trimming down and getting the figure you want quickly. The increase in muscle mass you gain from these exercises will also burn more fat throughout the day. It's like exercising when you aren't exercising!

Aerobic Workouts

You need to perform plenty of cardio exercises such as running, cycling and jumping rope. They are your guarantee to sweating off all those extra calories. A good routine would be to run for 15 minutes, jump rope for x3 sets of two minute sessions, weight train for 15 minutes and then perform crunches and sit-ups. Do these 4-5 days and you will surely lose weight fast!

Make sure you keep yourself hydrated during these sessions to counter the loss through sweat. Sports drinks are ok to consume straight after a workout to replace lost electrolytes, but not for the rest of the day.

Patience is required early on to start seeing results on your body and the scale. Just stick to your diet and exercise plans. Success is not far off!

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