How To Lose Weight Made Simpler Than Ever

By Russ Howe

There are two types of people who are lost in the gym. Those who are trying to work out how to build muscle more effectively and those desperately struggling to figure out how to lose weight. What you will find today is the solution for the latter group as we unearth the five proven rules of simple fat loss.

There are no if's or maybe's when it comes to the five steps shown in today's post. To put it bluntly, they simply do the job every time.

Let's get started!

Lay these rules at the foundation of your diet regime from now on and you will enjoy continued, long lasting success with your physique.

1) Get To Know Your Calories

2) Up Your Protein When Cutting Carbs

3) If You Want A Snack, Shoot For Protein

4) Pack Snack Tubs With Your Lunch

5) Take A Break Every Sunday

We'd be pretty bad instructors if we just gave you that list and wished you all the best, of course, so now we're going to take some time to walk through each one in a bit more detail so you have no doubts or anything else holding you back. The first step is to establish how many calories you take in on average on a daily basis. From this point forwards, eat less calories than that number. That's the simplicity behind rule number one.

One of the common trends these days is to cut down carbohydrates when dieting for fat loss. It's proven and it works, but only if you remember to also increase your protein intake. So don't starve yourself. If your plate looks a little empty with less rice around that chicken breast, treat yourself to another piece of chicken. This actually helps you get results.

Rules three and four cover snacking. The most common reason for people failing time and time again when it comes to weight loss is their inability to stop snacking through boredom. Usually, hunger strikes when you're at work and don't have any healthy food around you.

Protein has the least impact on fat storage, so if you want a snack it makes sense to shoot for a piece of chicken, tuna or even a protein sports supplement. Take a few small snack tubs alongside your packed lunch and stock them with some protein rich choices for you throughout the day. Never again will you see your reflection in the vending machine glass. You'll also store considerably less body fat by snacking with protein instead of carbohydrates or fats, so these two rules yield great returns particularly for those who work in offices.

The final rule is the most important of all. Taking a day off may seem like nonsense but it is actually the rule which people are most thankful for when they reach their results. It enables them to eat whatever they want for one day per week and still get results, removing the whole feeling of punishment which is generally associated with trying to get healthy.

As you'll notice when you see our future posts, if you are one of the gym users trying to work out how to build muscle you can use these proven tips and just shuffle a few of the details around to get results there. Today's post, of course, is designed with those trying to work out how to lose weight in mind and gives you a very strong position to start from in your journey to a new, better lifestyle.

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