Six Popular Nutritional Supplements And Nutraceuticals

By Tiffany Gill

The market for nutritional supplements and nutraceuticals is a vast and growing one. In the US alone, the dietary supplement market is estimated at around $25 billion. People today, particularly baby boomers, are much more health-conscious and are willing to spend a considerable amount of their disposable income on being healthier. This brief article will look at six popular supplements and how they can benefit the health of those who take them.

Green foods: products like spirulina and chlorella have been shown in studies to have a beneficial impact on inflammation, cholesterol, blood pressure and immune response. This is thought to be due to their high concentrations of chlorophyll. This compound also helps to oxygenate the blood and is a natural deodorizer. People suffering from bad breath and/or body odour can greatly alleviate their condition by ramping up their intake of green foods.

Fish oil: much scientific research has demonstrated the positive effects of fish oil on human health. It is easily one of the best nutrients for all-round health. Among other things, it is beneficial for bone health, inflammation, brain health and has demonstrated anti-ageing effects. What is more, good quality fish oil is an inexpensive and widely available product.

CoQ10: a relative newcomer to the scene, this compound is a vital nutrient for cellular function. It can help boost energy, benefit heart health and help combat inflammation. It's effects on the healthy functioning of cell mitochondria is also considered by some anti-ageing researchers to aid life expectancy.

Curcumin: this is a supplement that is rapidly growing in popularity. It is a powder derived from turmeric, best known as the ingredient that gives curry its distinctive yellow color. It has a strong anti-inflammatory action and can be helpful for those suffering with conditions such as arthritis, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and gout. It has also shown to be beneficial for cardiovascular health and shows great promise as an anti-cancer compound.

Probiotics: poor digestive health afflicts an enormous number of people over forty in the United States and the rest of the developed world. Excess gas, constipation, diarrhea and skin problems are all tell-tale signs that one's digestion is wanting. This is often due to a paucity of beneficial intestinal flora; the 'good' bacteria that is essential to maintaining digestive health. A good probiotic can restore this flora and thus proper functioning of the digestive tract.

Glucosamine sulphate: this is one of the most popular supplements with older people, and with good reason. It is a substance that naturally occurs in healthy cartilage and has been shown to relieve joint pain, improve mobility and help slow osteoarthritis-related damage to the joints. This compound may however interact with drugs such as diuretics and blood thinners so it is important for those considering taking it to consult their physician first.

The market for these kind of nutritional supplements and nutraceuticals is expected to continue growing. The developing demand for them in markets such as China demonstrates how people everywhere are taking a proactive role in their health. By bolstering their intake of crucial nutrients they can be sure they are giving themselves a better chance of excellent and lasting health.

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