Losing Weight And The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Review

By Reggie Rye

Losing weight has never been easier with the Xtreme fat loss diet review. It does not take a great deal of exercise as some may be lead to believe in order to lose weight. As the saying goes, you are what you eat, is a perfect way to describe this effect weight loss program.

The diet consists of a twenty five day period that is all and sticking to each day vehemently over and over again is professed to lead to success. Of this twenty five day period each day has its own unique blended recipe of do not eats and do eats. This term is broken up into five day cycles and each day is uniquely designed to compliment the next and the previous one.

However this diet operates in an extremely different manner and by following its guidelines will inevitably help you lose weight. Our bodies crave certain foods and when we do not give them the foods that require we inevitably put on weight. The theory behind this is quite simple and does not take hours of study and research to realise.

This does not sound like the way to go about dieting at all but it is a necessary combination as explained in the diet program itself for a few reasons. One of these reasons on an emotional level is naturally one does not want to feel that one is locked in a proverbial prison for the duration of your dieting program. Another reason is that this diet professes that the cheat day is an essential part of allowing your body those foods in order to facilitate the overall effect of this diet program.

So after eating what you like on day one, day two allows you to eat nothing at all. It is the crash diet day where not a morsel of food is allowed to pass your lips. This day has many benefits and although a person is allowed to take supplements recommended by the diet, it is a day to concentrate on other things and turn your mind away from food.

On an emotional level this day builds resilience and is motivating in itself. It is an achievement once you move through day two and look forward to eating again on day three. This becomes more relevant as you set your sites again for the end of the five day cycle when day one kicks in again and becomes a party day of food for yet another day.

Day three is the shake day. It is the day when only shakes can be taken in and this is wise especially after you have fasted the previous day. The stomach after a fast day naturally needs to re accustom itself to processing food again so the shake day is perfectly positioned at day three.

Now the great thing about this diet it is that it is flexible. Day one of every five day cycle is a cheat day. This means that the Xtreme fat loss diet review allows that the first day you start the diet you can eat whatever you want such as cheeseburgers, biscuits, cakes, candy, fizzy you drinks and anything you would like to.

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